How to decorate a refrigerator in decoupage technique

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How to decorate a refrigerator in decoupage technique


Decoupage is an old type of decorative art, originated several centuries ago in France. In translation from the French "decoupage" means "cut". The method consists in gluing the drawings for decoration and covering them with several layers of varnish on top.

The finished decorated object looks very elegant, as if covered with Khokhloma painting. As a rule, decoupage is called napkin technique because the main material for such applications are multi-layer napkins. But the imagination, the notions and the possibilities of progress do not stand still, so there are many ways to decorate the refrigerator with your own hands.


Tools for work in the technique of decoupage

Whatever the basis for the application, the execution rules are generally uniform for all versions of the material used. In addition, you will need some improvised funds necessary for the execution of works:

  • napkins - most conveniently those that consist of several layers and large enough, clear patterns;
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  • scissors - small, sharp, but with rounded ends, sufficiently maneuverable for cutting out a picture from a napkin or other picture;
  • brushes - with a semi-rigid flat pile, about 1 cm wide for small pictures and wider - for panels;
  • glue - glue the napkins best with special glue, but you can use the glueing ability of the lacquer, which covers the picture;
  • varnish - types depend on the direction of the picture: glossy, matte, with enhanced gloss, etc. based on acrylic, but you can use a special lacquer with gloss, having a water base;
  • acrylic paints - fast drying, easy to apply, insoluble in water after drying, having dozens of shades with different effects: metal, sparkles, mother-of-pearl, etc.

Steps to create a new image of your refrigerator

First of all, decide how you want to see the new "face" of your refrigerator. From this will depend on the choice of material and improvised means. With a technical implementation, the drawing will resemble an inlaid or artistic painting. The execution of the work consists of several stages.

  1. Carry out the surface treatment. If you paste the pictures directly on the "home base" of the refrigerator, then degrease it before using detergent. If you need to change the color scheme of the substrate, then primer the surface with acrylic paint of the required color.
  2. Separate from the napkins prepared for work thin upper patterned layer, which is necessary for cutting out drawings. With sharp scissors for decoupage carefully cut out patterns. Process only large drawings, small ones in the process of work, better finish with a fine brush.
  3. Finished drawings pre-lay on the table to create a ready-made image and one by one transfer to the surface of the refrigerator, gluing with glue from the outside. When impregnated with glue, the napkin is filled with moisture and can be deformed by stretching. Therefore, the process is carried out as accurately as possible, simultaneously eliminating bubbles and wrinkles with a brush. Start gluing with the central pattern of the composition.
  4. After all the images are transferred to the surface of the refrigerator, draw small connecting drawings with a brush.
  5. Cover the surface of the composition with at least two coats of lacquer to protect against mechanical abrasion and moisture ingress. When choosing a varnish, making a decoupage of a refrigerator, use the full range of options available to create a spectacular surface. If you want to create your own hands the image of an old painting, it will be very beautiful to look at a surface covered with a one-stage two-component varnish varnish on acrylic base, which after drying cracks, creating the effect of craquelure on artistic masterpieces. Also it is possible to glue the perimeter of the refrigerator with foam plastic moldings in the Baroque style and color them patinated varnishes, imparting a durable glossy brown-gold coating, imitating Aging.

Napkins - not the only material for creating images in the technique of decoupage. A more simplified way is cutting out pictures from magazines, but the external effektivnost from such works will be much weaker.

If you chose decoupage with ready-made pictures of paper, then first you need to cut out the appropriate pattern and process in 2-3 layers on both sides with acrylic lacquer. When the image dries, moisten the bottom with the acrylic layer in water and glue it to the surface of the refrigerator.


Those who have absolutely no time, and decorate the surface of the refrigerator with their own hands really want, you can buy ready-made stickers, make a composition of them and place on the refrigerator, also treated them with varnish.


Modern technology offers another alternative for obtaining material for decoupage techniques. You can print any image you like on the printer using ordinary office paper. After receiving the drawing, it is necessary to process the printed sheet with acrylic lacquer in 2-3 layers. When applying layers, be sure to wait for complete drying.

Next sheets with drawings should be lowered for about an hour in a container with water. After that, arrange the wet drawing with the image down and gently pull off the paper layer like children's decals. In the end, you should have the lower acrylic film in your hands, which you will glue to the surface of the refrigerator.

Paraphrasing the quote, we can say that in 20 years the life of the refrigerator is just beginning.

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