
Do-it-yourself heat-insulating plaster for outdoor and indoor work: what is it - Setafi

Do-it-yourself heat-insulating plaster for outdoor and indoor work: what is it - SetafiRepairHomePlaster

Heat-insulating plaster is a mixture with porous components (vermiculite, expanded polystyrene), which provide protection from heat and absorb sounds. Such compounds are more expensive, but they ar...

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Soundproofing plaster and putty for walls in an apartment: which one to choose - Setafi

Soundproofing plaster and putty for walls in an apartment: which one to choose - SetafiRepairHomePlaster

Soundproof plaster is a special mixture that has a loose structure. Due to the presence of numerous cavities, it suppresses noise, harsh sounds, making them more muffled. If you apply the compositi...

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